
Rata Honey

There is a small shop, set back off the main street of Takaka in Golden Bay, where a local man produces and sells spirits (made from local ingredients he grows himself http://tekiwi.co.nz).


In that shop was an adorable wee shop dog named Rata Honey. She was very friendly, but also quite well behaved, she even had her own seat next to a suit of armour. From that seat she can fulfil her role as superviser, watching her female owner packing and labelling product, or take a well earned snooze.


This last photo isn’t upside down, this is what happened when I came closer to take her picture.


Dogs of Christchurch

Earning their keep

I spotted these two dressed up pooches at the Riccarton Rotary Market today. The dogs were acting as the drawcard for their owner’s stall selling doggie related goods. They both seemed quite at ease despite all the people and noise, and as the sign promised, when a purchase was made the two little girls who had bought something were given little treats to feed to the dogs.


